
Monday, August 16, 2021

Monday mashup

 Today for Monday mashup we had to make a comic and mine was called fat and the choker. Were this guy who is a bit like the human version of Richard Watterson from amazing world of gumball fat, eats to much and a bit dumb. Then he goes to work and but he gets stopped because there is a big UFO in the sky that was making the road pitch black. Then the UFO picks up a cow and says on the microphone you will die you will die. Then he drives home and get fit by lifting 1 Kg and becoming fit and he finds a love for bat so he calls him self BAT MAN but the choker is still the choker. And then he gets a call from the police that said the only way to save all humans is to fight the choker in a street fighter style fight. And then BAT MAN wins. 

My Matariki report

 At school we had to make a Matariki report if you don't know what Matariki is then this will tell you.

Matariki is Maori New Year in New Zealand that goes for 28 days throughout June and july. It is a celebration of the nine stars of matariki and the seven sisters. 

Matariki is Maori New Year which is celebrated throughout New Zealand. It is used as a time to remember people they've lost. It's also a time to tell stories about how the nine stars were created. Like how not all children of the sky father and earth mother are happy about them being split. One of these is Tawhirimatea. He tried to get revenge on every one of his siblings that didn’t agree with him. And he did apart from one Tumatauenga who he did not beat so with rage he tore his eyes out and crunched them up and threw them and that makes the nine sisters of matariki.

Matariki is used to prepare for the future by telling stories of the past and their ancestors. Some people look at the star's brightness to predict the future and the season aheads crops. If the stars are bright then it means a season of good crops and food.

We do things like go to see the fireworks and festivals. Matariki is a time to share fresh food like vegetables, fish and meat that's been harvested. The traditional matriki meal is cooked in a traditional maori oven called a hangi where meat and vegetables are slowey baked over hot stones that have been covered with earth.

Matariki is maori New Year which celebrates the nine stars of matariki not the seven stars because that is a Greek story. Matariki was traditionally used to predict the upcoming season's crop. These days it's used to tell stories, have parties and festivals where you tell stories, trade, do lots of things with lights and eat traditional food and that's why I think matariki should be a New Zealand public holiday.

I think it Matariki should be a public holiday because it is a very Important thing to the Maori people and they dont have many holidays for there thing but we have holidays for stupid things like queens birthday. 

My science slide show

 This is my slideshow for science winch I have not finished. I don't even think I stared it but I got tolled to post it anyway. 

Thursday, August 12, 2021


 This week for inquiry we've been doing a slideshow about space .in the first lesson We had to make our own planet the one you see there is not mine but it looks similar my was called Wedi Drysu which is welsh for confused. The second lesson we had to make our own consultations with stars mine was Elmo because that was a big meme. For the third lesson we wrote about comets asteroids meteors and meteorites. In the last lesson we had to wright things we want to do for solo inquiry and they had to be things that you couldn't just see on google.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Maths Measurement

This week we are learning about measurement and we had to do this slide show. 

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

I ate Earth

 Today we made Earth out of candy. First we got a marshmallow as the mantle and put an M&M in as the core then we put a stick through it. After that we melted chocolate and put it around our marshmallow as the crust. Then we waited for  our Earth to dry. Ounce mine dried it looked like a frog with a long nose. Then we ate Earth. This is my mess.


Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Earth layers

 Yesterday we made a diagram of Earth but we added all the layers. 

Earth as an Egg

 Today for Inquiry we cut open an egg and compared it to Earth. First we hit the egg shell to make the tectonic plates, we did it by smashing it with the back of a butter knife. Then we cut it in half. The egg shell is like the crust which is the part we walk on. And the white is the mantle which is really hot and part liquid part solid. The grey part is the outer core which is solid iron and the yolk is the inner core which is liquid iron.

Monday, August 2, 2021

My Hoilday

 This week we had to make a news report about one thing we did in our holidays.

Under the earth surface

 The four main parts of earth are called the crust the mantle the outer core and the inner core. 

The core

The core is the centre of earth and has two different types the inner core is solid and made of iron. The outer core is like the inner core but is made of liquid iron. 

The Mantle

The mantle The next layer is called the mantle it is made of rock it is also very hot its the part closets to the crust it is around 1000 Celsius. Near the boundary to the core it is about 3700 Celsius. This causes the rock to behave a bit like a liquid and a bit like a solid. 

The crust

The crust is the part of earth we are on. Unlike other parts of earth it is more breakable and thin. The crust is only five to seventy km deep depending if your at the bottom of the ocean or at the top of a mountain. The earths crust is not one big thing its split into bits called tectonic plates.

Tectonic plates

Scientist think that the crust of earth is made of six large plates called the tectonic plates and a few smaller ones. These plates are like puzzle pieces that float on partially molten mantle. They move and bump each other at a rate of a few millimetres up to 20 millimetres. This bumping causes earthquakes and volcano.