
Monday, August 24, 2020

Dojo cat


for Monday mash up today i made a animation about a cat that does karate.
i made background and cat myself. the Adidas© logo was made out of shapes.
what do you think i could do beater.  i made a anime cat mouth to.

Friday, August 21, 2020


 Once there was a small boy named Joel. He was born in Switzerland in 21st of June 1901. Joel loved the out doors be for World War one Him and His Dad would go hiking ever weekend. Then one day in 1914 a nuke was heading straight for their town. Joel had just turned 13. him and his family packed there bags then went different directions. Joel headed for a forest and he started running like forest gump. he keep on running only stopping for water he ran for 12 long hours. then when he was out of the area that the nuke was gonna land in he sat down under a tree and looked in his bag he found a book that said spell book it had a spell in there called cat fish Joel thought it sounded cool so he summoned it to make it short he died

                         rip Joel 1901 to 1914

Friday, August 14, 2020

Tree house



                        THE TREE HOUSE


 ounce upon a time there were two kids named Gary and Lana Lana was the sort of person that would sit in the corner of a room and read a book mostly called a Nerd. Gary was the sort of person that would stand on a table and jell and the top of his lungs mostly call a fat loud kid. but even know they were totally different these two were friends when they were eight years old they found a hollowed out tree it had a boat a blood red. and lots of do it yourself books.

Friday, August 7, 2020

pirates of new Zealand

Wash! the wavy seas rock the ship side to side. I go back to sleep. crash bang!  i wake up and go outside. i see rock and a chest i noticed we weren't rocking. i ran to tell the caption he was not there was i hallucinating?